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Instructional Design
eLearning Development
DeAnza College

The brief

My client is a counsellor at DeAnza College in Cupertino, California.  She asked me to put her Student Success Workshop into Canvas LMS.  She wanted to increase engagement for a better student outcome.


To facilitate student success:
1. Update the PowerPoint Presentation 

3. Put the Quiz on Canvas

4. Create a 'handout' for the Workshop

5. Add a survey onto Canvas 

Retention Workshop

Retention Workshop

Play Video

Platform and tools

16" 2019 Macbook Pro, Photoshop 2020, Powerpoint, Articulate Storyline 360 on Parallel drive, Audacity, iMovie

Instructor-led PowerPoint speaker's notes in full. (No sound, 3m30s .)

If you prefer, you may view this 2m montage of the slides.  Sound has been added just for this portfolio. 


I suggested this HandOut (PDF) would facilitate engagement, and provide a useful resource for the student.  

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